Mystery Blogger Award

‘You can’t be serious!’ My first reaction to this nomination but thank you Viola Bleu for nominating me today, I feel really honoured. I’ve read few of these posts and I always found answers on given questions quite funny and brilliant. I’m not sure I will do as good job as the others but I’ll give it my best shot. However it still doesn’t feel quite real but here we go, let’s get on with it.

As one of the conditions to take a part in the Mystery Blogger Award (which was created I believe by Okoto enigmas blog) is to think about 3 things about myself, I’ve given it a really good thought (possibly about all 15 mins of my life, sorry my attention span is very fragile and didn’t want to risk slipping away).

So 3 things I came up with are:

  • I love learning foreign languages. So for anyone who knows me for a while now, this isn’t anything new. I am totally obsessed with learning new foreign languages. I speak 3 and understand (mostly) 4. I wish it was easier to learn more, it is exhausting, confusing and can be also very time consuming. Not very easy while in full time employment but I am planning to learn as much as I can in the future. I’m a linguist amateur, I grew up learning two languages and never even thought much of it, so that definitely helped with my language count. I hated English and German (English is not my mother tongue, as you can probably tell by now) at school, struggled through the classes but life has decided for me and I ended up living in England and couldn’t avoid absorbing some of the language while working my a** off. So here I am now speaking 3 languages, learning my 4th (Spanish) and hopefully expanding the count soon after.
  • I am a gossip girlOh my god, I love gossips. It doesn’t even matter about what or whom. I just love it. It might sound like something very normal but no, I’m not on normal scale of gossipers, I’m totally out of it. I swear if there isn’t any new gossip, I will make it happen, just so I can share it further. So guys if you don’t want others to know, don’t tell me. I just can’t hold it in, I feel like choking, my head spins, I really do not feel well so just don’t tell me secrets, especially juicy ones!
  • I love Google. Right this is not me being obsessed about company but more about what google offers. I don’t use any other search engines, EVER! I google everything I possibly can or might need. Any fact we disagree on with my partner or friends ‘Let me google it’. I google when I get some suspicious cold or flu, find out I might be dying in few days, I survive and continue Googleing some more. I think Google is just the best! It always directs you to the right article and advice, as long as you ask the right way of course. Which just reminded me of the story of polite grandma asking google questions. If you haven’t seen it yet, let me google it for you! Here it is! You see how simple was that? That’s all thanks to Google. Google I love you!


There are few simple rules to follow on this Mystery Blogger Award, so let’s mention those before we move on to answering some questions from Viola Bleu.

  1. Put the award logo/image on your blog
  2. List the rules.
  3. Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  4. Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well
  5. Tell your readers 3 things about yourself
  6. You have to nominate 10 – 20 people
  7. Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog
  8. Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice; with one weird or funny question (specify)
  9. Share a link to your best post(s)


Now to the fun stuff Viola Bleu has asked me following question:

  • What is your favourite colour and why?

I was concerned about some of the answers but this one is pretty straight forward and very easy actually. YELLOW! Beautiful bright colour, makes me happy, reminds me of sun and summer (I’m a summer baby). It’s warm and positive. So many great reasons why yellow is just the best colour, for me anyway.

  • Take one piece of music with you to heaven; what would it be?

And here I struggled a bit, I’m not very into music. I’m more into peace and quiet. I do listen to music occasionally, mostly to give me a kick and motivate me or just to sing along in the car, I love doing that. If you see slightly insanely looking woman waiting on the traffic lights, singing to herself, with windows up (always windows up, I’m a terrible singer and I know it), there is a good chance it’s me. There isn’t any music I could pick and take with me to heaven (not that I think I will even make it there with my gossip addiction anyway). I can pick sounds I would like to take with me from mother earth though. I love sound of the mild rain, waves crashing onto the shore on the beach, I enjoy listening to meditating music so that I would take with me. And I think I would like it up there, just chilling with relaxing music. 

  • Choose five adjectives which best describe you.

I’ll keep this one simple. I’m never quite sure about how to describe myself as I am quite critical of everything related to me but the words I think others would come up with would be: Sociable, funny, determined, moody, hardworking.

  • If my book is ever published, will you come to my book launch? (ha ha)

When not if! And yes I will, not only I love supporting new authors but I love traveling and visiting new places so send me an invitation and I’m there.

  • What is your favourite way to relax, truly unwind and forget everything?

For me relax and unwind can be in two different ways. So for my body rather than my mind, I love taking long hot bubble bath, few candles lighted up and my kindle in my hands, never-ending hot water top ups until I feel I’m dissolving in the bath. Sometimes I struggle to even get out of, I’m that relaxed. Yes I do love massage but for me nothing can beat comfort of home, privacy and quiet. And for my mind, I love going for a run, which I find quite difficult in the winter and terrible weather but when I do go I always feel great. My body feels destroyed but my mind is clear and that kick of endorphins after, makes me feel strong and incredibly happy.

Now let’s switch the roles and my questions are:

  1. What is the craziest thing you have ever done?
  2. What food gives you foodgasm?
  3. If you could travel anywhere for a day (any place and any time) where would you go?
  4. Which part of the day is your favourite and why?
  5. Who or what is the most precious to you?


Right, now to pick 10 blogs/bloggers to nominate and ask them my questions. I’ve picked you because I enjoy blog-stalking you, I love your reviews or flash fiction posts or you are amazing authors and I just want to follow your journey. 

L. T. Marshall – Author

Katie’s Book Cave

The Belgian Reviewer

Dorie’s Reading Corner

Coffeehouse Booknook

Saturday Nite Reader

Mrs Bloggs’ Books


Taryn Leigh

The Write Time

I realize we are all living busy lives so I understand if you can’t or won’t join in but if you have time and fancy sharing some more about yourself this way, share away!

I should now give you the link of my favourite or the best post. Well I don’t really have one, I don’t actually like my posts very much but I will do it anyway so I’m sharing my most recent one called Blue Sunday.

Thank you all for reading and joining in! Love to you all!



8 thoughts on “Mystery Blogger Award

  1. Pingback: Mystery Blogger Award – Saturday Nite Reader

  2. Viola Bleu

    Fantastic answers! OMG, you’ve so reminded me I wanted to download more relaxing mood music … I’m off to do that now. My favourite colour is blue, which goes well with yellow (think they may be opposite on the spectrum). Lovely to share this today with you xx

    Liked by 1 person

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